My Awesome Terminal Setup

My Awesome Terminal Setup

How to give your terminal app a boost

As a developer, your terminal should be your second best friend after your IDE. I’ve spent some time searching for the best setup for a terminal and I’ve found a lot of cool stuff! I thought it does worth sharing, so here we go...

(the resources will be at the end)

iTerm 2

I use iTerm2 app as my main terminal app with Dracula Theme. looks good but it’s not enough, is it?. I set iTerm2 style to minimal: Preferences > Appearance > Theme > Minimal, the less is more, right?


Starship is a customizable prompt for shell that is written in Rust (means it’s blazing fast), its default setup shrinks the prompt line to just a closing angle bracket “>” and write the path before it.. neat!

With Starship enabled s1.png

With Starship disabled s2.png


We are not done yet! there is that awesome app called Fig, It generates a window to show suggestions for your commands, it’s incredibly useful and saved me a ton of time.

Lame default terminal app


KOOL terminal app

